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Domain Name Madness

Domain Name Madness Suppose you have a business and you come up with the name “cool business #1″. After careful consideration you made sure it has a nice ring, it communicates what your business is about, it is perfect. An then, you check the domain name Bummer, it is already occupied. So are “.net”

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Bad Potion

Cold season has installed into the norther hemisphere. I know because, well, it’s kind of hard to miss: all that rain and cold and mist in the morning gives me the chills and drains all the energy out. I had to up my daily coffee ration from two to three just to keep me going. But I already new the cold season was coming quite a while before the actual cold had installed, because even if I missed the obvious ending of August, TV was there to remind me that very soon I am going to be sick and I will need various kinds of cold medicine.

Revolutions, Depressions, It’s All In Our Heads

In September 2008 the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. marked the popular beginning of the late recession (2008 – Today). This is probably no news to anybody in the developed world: to many this meant the loss of their homes, loss of their jobs, their businesses and for the lucky ones it meant at least a dent in their life stile. But why?



Me, is the common pronoun that we use when we refer to ourselves yet a somewhat more appropriate one would be “us”, because me is not only “me”, it’s also more than a hundred trillion unlikely friends who inhabit the same body as my consciousness does. The entire surface of the skin, the digestive tract and every orifice we have serves as a support for these tiny organisms to cling on and make a living.


If I could pronounce on average a number every 5 seconds I would have to count 1109.8 years to reach the number of people that are alive today. Ironically, by 3121AD that number will have increased so much that I would probably have to keep on counting thousands more years.